Gun Wing Relena Speech The Gundam’s Will Soon Rectify Speech


Gundam Wing, one of the most iconic anime series from the 90s, is known for its intricate political themes and deep philosophical explorations of war and peace. Among the central figures is Relena Peacecraft, a character whose speeches often carry significant weight in the narrative. Gun Wing Relena Speech The Gundam’s Will Soon Rectify Speech is pivotal to the storyline and reflects the show’s overarching message about peace, conflict, and humanity’s struggles.

What is Gundam Wing?

Gundam Wing is part of the larger Gundam franchise, known for its focus on giant mechs, political intrigue, and complex characters. The series takes place in a future where Earth and its space colonies are conflicted. Gundams, highly advanced mobile suits, are at the center of this struggle, representing both destruction and hope.

Who is Relena Peacecraft?

Relena Peacecraft begins the series as the adoptive daughter of a high-ranking Earth politician. As the story progresses, she learns of her true heritage as the heir to the Sanc Kingdom, a nation that stood for pacifism and peace. Over time, she becomes a symbol of peace in a world torn apart by war. Her ideals and speeches become crucial to her character development and the series’ message.

The Speech: “The Gundam’s Will”

Relena’s “The Gundam Will Soon Rectify” speech comes at a turning point in the series. At this moment, she confronts the reality of war, acknowledging the role that the Gundams—once symbols of rebellion—have played in perpetuating and challenging violence. In her speech, she calls for a shift in perspective, one that sees the Gundams not as tools of destruction but as agents of change, capable of rectifying past wrongs.

Breaking Down the Message of the Speech

Relena’s speech’s core is the struggle between peace and war. She speaks of the Gundams as having a will of their own that will “soon rectify” the chaos they have caused. This implies a certainty – that the Gundams, or those who pilot them, will soon bring about change. Her words are a plea for the world to embrace peace, yet they are also tinged with the harsh reality that peace may only come after resolving conflict.

The Significance of “Will Soon Rectify”

The phrase “will soon rectify” carries profound implications. To rectify means to correct or make right. Relena suggests that the actions of the Gundams, and by extension, the actions of humanity, will soon fix the course of history. It is a hopeful statement that looks beyond the current destruction and envisions a future where justice prevails. However, it also acknowledges that this process is not without its difficulties.

Themes of Pacifism in Relena’s Ideals

Relena’s entire character arc centers around her commitment to pacifism. Even as she inherits power, she remains resolute in her belief that peace must be achieved without violence. Her speech reflects this, as she appeals to the Gundams—and to the world—to find a way to rectify their mistakes without further bloodshed.

Contrasts Between Relena and Heero Yuy

Relena’s pacifism starkly contrasts with Heero Yuy, the series’ central Gundam pilot. Heero is a soldier trained for combat and accustomed to violence. His approach to conflict is direct, while Relena seeks diplomatic solutions. Yet, despite their differences, their relationship evolves throughout the series, with each coming to understand the other’s perspective.

The Role of Gundams in the Fight for Peace

Gundams, in Gundam Wing, are paradoxical symbols. They are weapons of war, yet they also represent the hope for peace. Relena’s speech underscores this duality, acknowledging that while the Gundams have caused destruction, they also have the potential to rectify the past and lead humanity toward a better future.

Relena’s Speech and Its Reception

Within the narrative, Relena’s speech is met with a mixture of hope and skepticism. Her words inspire some characters, while others doubt whether peace can indeed be achieved. This mirrors the audience’s reaction as Gundam Wing fans debate the feasibility of Relena’s pacifist ideals.

How Relena’s Speech Resonates with Viewers

Relena’s speech strikes a chord with viewers because it reflects real-world struggles for peace in the face of overwhelming odds. Even in the midst of war, her message of hope resonates with audiences who understand the complexity of achieving lasting peace in a world fraught with conflict.

The Evolution of Relena’s Leadership

Throughout the series, Relena evolves from a naïve schoolgirl into an influential leader. Her speeches, including “The Gundam’s Will Soon Rectify,” reflect her growing maturity and understanding of the world’s complexities. She becomes a symbol of hope for those who believe peace is possible, even in the darkest times.

Symbolism Behind the Gundam’s Will

The Gundams in Gundam Wing are more than just machines; they are symbols of humanity’s capacity for destruction and redemption. Relena’s speech highlights this, as she speaks of the Gundams having a “will” that will guide them toward rectifying the past.

Comparisons to Other Notable Anime Speeches

Relena’s speech can be compared to other powerful moments in anime history, where characters confront the harsh realities of war and seek peace. Her speech stands out because of its unwavering commitment to pacifism, even in a world where violence seems inevitable.


Gun Wing Relena Speech The Gundam’s Will Soon Rectify Speech is a pivotal moment in Gundam Wing, encapsulating the series’ themes of war, peace, and redemption. Her words offer a vision of hope, reminding us that even in the face of destruction, there is always a path toward rectifying past mistakes. Portland State Electrician Leroy

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